We find out a few more details from Telltale Games about its upcoming dinosaur action adventure game.
With the exception of Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis in 2003, the Jurassic Park franchise has been about as dead as the dinosaurs that walked the earth, until recently. Last year saw Universal breathe new life into the series when it licensed the franchise out to comic book publisher IDW for two series and to Telltale Games for a new episodic-based video game set.
With the first episode of Jurassic Park: The Game due out in just a few weeks, GameSpot AU managed to catch up with Telltale Games' Joe Pinney, who is the series designer/writer on the project, to talk about the creative freedom they've had on the project, the challenges of programming dinosaur AI, and more.
GameSpot AU: First up, where in the Jurassic Park timeline does the game fit in?
Joe Pinney: It overlaps the events of the first film and extends beyond them, to the days and nights immediately following the collapse of the park.
GS AU: What sort of creative freedom has Universal given you guys to create the story?
JP: Plenty! They've given us license to follow a new story to its natural conclusions. We're fans like they are, and we all really want the new stuff to be grounded in the events, locations, and tone of the first film, so we're all on the same page there. It helps that the folks at Universal are terrific collaborators, and gamers to boot.
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